Monday, July 22, 2013

Washington State - Crystal Mountain and Mt Rainier

The mountains are calling and I must go - John Muir

After a wonderful Day 1 at the Cascade loop, we proceeded towards our next destination - Crystal Mountain and Mt Rainier National Park on Day 2.

Kent, WA (close to SEATAC airport) to Crystal Mountain
The distance was about 63 miles and it took us 1.5 hours.

After an early morning breakfast at the hotel, we left Kent, WA for the most awaited Gondola ride at the Crystal Mountain. This trip was 100% worth it. I will tell you why and hopefully the pictures below will provide justice to Crystal Mountain. 

On the way, we stopped at Mount Rainier Viewpoint where we got the first glimpse of Mt Rainier and saw pretty yellow wildflowers. 

We arrived at the Crystal Mountain, located in the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest and we parked for free and walked towards the Gondola Ride. 

My 4 year old in his words was super duper excited. The gondola ride costs $20 per ticket for adults and $8 for kids ages 4 to 10. I had secured a $2 off coupon per ticket from . 

This ride is smooth and took about 10 minutes commencing from the gondola's base and slowly climbing 2,472 feet to the summit ridge, which is at a 6,856-feet elevation from sea level. It is pretty steep and the views from the gondola were eye-popping.

As we got off the gondola at the summit, our jaws dropped, our eyes popped and we used all the adjectives we could think of. Right in front of us was a majestic view of Mt Rainier which I was told was about 12 miles away. The active volcano was covered with snow, glaciers and surrounded by beautiful clouds posing to give us an image of smoke emitting from the active volcano. As we turned to look around, we saw views of the Cascades - Mount St. Helen and Mt Adams. 

We mounted on the chairs that were provided at the summit's edge and felt our hearts expand with the amazing sight and views. After taking it all in, we descended on the gondola ride to the base and had our lunch before we set out to our next destination - Mt Rainier National Park, Tipsoo Lake and Chinook Pass Summit.

Mt. Rainier - a sight to behold

Right at the summit's edge

A perfect background for the family picture

Mt Rainier National Park
Mt Rainier is one of the world's most massive active volcanoes and it can dominate the skyline for 100 miles before you reach the National Park. It is the tallest peak in the Cascade Range; it dwarfs 6,000-foot surrounding summits, appearing to float alone among the clouds. It has 26 major glaciers and 36 sq miles of permanent snowfields and glaciers,it is the most heavily glaciated peak in the lower 48 states. 

We saw the entrance to Rainier National Park in about 20 minutes of driving.
Entrance to Mt Rainier National Park. 

We stopped on the way to play in snow thinking we may not get to see and play in snow (little did we know we were going to hike in snow the next day). My Florida baby simply loved playing in snow, making snowballs and throwing it at us. He got to enjoy snow at Tipsoo lake and Paradise as well.  

Tipsoo lake is one of the best roadside views in the park with Tipsoo Lake in the foreground, and the majestic summit of Mount Rainier, in the background. This lake is magnificent and with snow everywhere it just looked picture postcard perfect. 

So happy to see snow!!

Reflection Lake
This took us about an hour of driving from Tipsoo lake. The roads were winding and uphill and it was scenic and beautiful. We entered from the Steven Canyon entrance on Highway 123 and as we drove, we saw Grove of the Patriarchs hiking entrance. We were tempted to stop for this simple hike in the forest but we drove forward. We stopped at the tranquil turquoise Louise Lake on the way just before arriving at Reflection Lake. When calm, Reflection Lake has the perfect reflection of Mt Rainier. However, we were not that lucky to see the reflection because of a stiff breeze. We then drove on to where we were staying for 3 nights - at the foothills of Mt Rainier - Our own Paradise - Paradise Inn
Reflection Lake

Passing clouds on the road

Coming up next Paradise and Paradise Inn. Keep on reading.. 


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures.reminds me of the Hudson Valley..

Tina said...

wow!! Beautiful pics. Its always nice to read about your adventures:)

Deepa said...

Vaiju, thanks for the comment.. cant wait to go to Hudson Valley with you!! :)

Deepa said...

Teens - thanks for the comment :)!! I am sure you will enjoy the next one on hiking in snow !! :)

Gaya said...

WOW! Spectacular and breathtaking views!! I cant wait for the Gondola ride now:-) Excellent photography! This beats Smokey mountains, doesn't it?

Gaya said...

Glad to see our Florida baby enjoying the snow:-)

Deepa said...

Thanks Gaya.. This was an awesome vacation just like our Smoky Mountain trip together was one of the most memorable trips. Trekking to Chimney Tops was the highlight wasn't it? I cant wait to hike Chimney tops again.